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Eye Makeup Eyeliners & Kajal in Kuwait


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Klinq Online Store for Eyeliners & Kajal

Eyeliners & Kajal are something you must have started as a teenager. One of the most basic and essential makeup tools perhaps only next to lip balms. Eyeliners give that simple look for everyday use, it can be included in that handy makeup tool. Just get on the eyeliner and a few strokes of lip balm and you are done with your one-touch service. Shop for them at the lowest cost and at ground-breaking deals from our Klinq online shop in Kuwait.

Eyeliner Types

Eyeliner and Kajal market is a huge one and the products that flood the market just get bigger and bigger everyday. How to choose the best, maybe knowing the types of eyeliner is the first step toward this:

  • Pencil eyeliner
    The most common type, perhaps your first ever eyeliner. An upgrade from Kajal in the young days, as they are easy to use and are very beginner friendly. They easily glide on your lash line and waterline. Some brands have pencil eyeliner which needs constant pruning from your side. It may demand a sharp tip, precise thickness, etc. If you don’t mind sharpening the tip every time, it is worth the price considering its longevity.
  • Liquid Eyeliner
    The perfect choice for dramatic looks that create a bold overtune. Creating well-defined thin lines, cat eyes, graphic, winged, etc. styles are created using the liquid eyeliner. Easily setting you need to avoid this for soft and smokey looks and initially it could be trickier to use. But with practice it is going to be your choice for trying out new trends.
  • Pen Eyeliner
    It is liquid eyeliner blended into the ease of a pencil eyeliner. The sketch pen as it is known is what you need for drawing precise lines, super comfy for beginners and comes in many smear proof and smudge proof formulas. Sharp lines, ultra-preciseness, dramatic eyes all come with this type of eyeliner.
  • Gel Eyeliner
    The intimidating look of gel eyeliners in its little pots and angled brushes should not deceive you. Because, they are the closest pal for the makeup artists to work on lid, to create eyeshadow base, define lash line. They have a great wax content and thus offer waterproof and budge-roof qualities. Shut the lids tightly after every use and practice well to create intricate looks.


Q. Are eyeliners bad for your eyes?

A. A common perception is that eyes should be left free. Yes, it is absolutely correct when you are living in natural conditions. But we are not. At least not all of us. So you need to use eyeliners that contain beeswax and other soothing elements to protect your eyes as well as enhance your looks.

Q. Where should I not apply eyeliners?

A. You need to be careful with eyeliner as they are sharp. Hence, avoid edges of your eyelids, which contain the oil glands called meibomian glands. They are important for tear build up. Too much makeup on these parts can clog the path for tears and create swelling. Just remember, easy is right. And if you feel uneasy, just drop it.

Klinq has a collection of waterproof eyeliners & kajal that are suitable for men and women of all ages. Branded products from Revlon, Kiss, Wet n Wild, Character, Alix Avien, Sensai and many more brands are yours to shop online in Kuwait. Add them to your cart and we offer you express delivery at your doorstep anywhere in Kuwait.

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